408 Visa Support 2025

Application for AJF endorsement of Temporary Activities Visa – (sub-class 408 Sporting Activities)

Commonwealth legislation relating to temporary visas requires that any application for a temporary visa of this category be endorsed by the National Sporting Organisation (NSO) as recognised by Australian Sports Commission.

For the sport of Jujitsu (including BJJ/Ne-Waza) this is the Australian Jujitsu Federation (AJF). The AJF is also the internationally recognised body in Australia for Ju-Jitsu International Federation (JJIF).

Member Associations/Schools who are supporting a visa applicant should submit this Application for Endorsement.  If your association or school is not a member then you must become a member. You can apply for Membership here.

You must provide true information with your application.  We might refuse your application if you:

  • do not satisfy us as to your identity and details of the visa applicant; or,
  • provide bogus documents or information that is false and misleading in relation to your applicant’s visa application.

If you wish to proceed, please purchase a 408 Visa Support application here and then complete and submit the application form on this page. Your recepit number is required in the application form.

Please note that if you are not a member school then it takes up to 4 weeks for your membership application to be approved. The HoS or delegate also needs to complete our Coach Accreditation course. In addition, the AJF board needs to satisfy ourselves that the application is legitimate. For these reasons, it may take at least two months to process a Visa Support application.

Should you have any questions please contact us.

The receipt number sent to you after payment of the application fee. We cannot process your application until the fee is paid.

Name and contact details of the Australian Supporter of the applicant

Name of Australian Supporter of the applicant, not the Applicant

Is the Supporter a member of an AJF Member School?

Does the Head of School (HoS) hold at least a Level 2 Coaching Accreditation issued by AJF?

The Supporter must be an Australian organisation or government agency or foreign government agency lawfully operating in Australia that administers or promotes sport or sporting events; and will meet their obligations to the Applicant and anyone who applies for the visa with the Applicant.

Please upload a copy of the formal written agreement/employment contract between the applicant and the Member School. This is a requirement for the Visa.

Max 5MB

Applicant Information

Name of the applicant seeking a Visa, not the person completing this form

Does the applicant have an established reputation (or appropriate qualification) as an elite player and/or coach and/or an adjudicator/official? This is required for endorsement.

Has the applicant previously held a Visa?

Is the applicant currently in Australia?

Is the applicant a member of an AJF Member School? The Applicant must be a member of a Member School for us to issue a Letter of Support

Does the applicant have at least a Level 2 Coaching Accreditation issued by AJF?

Do both the Member school and the applicant support the AJF competition system at a national level?

Declaration and Signature

I declare that all information that I have provided is true and correct

My submission of this application is deemed to be a signature/execution of the form