Prohibited Weapons (NSW)
Prohibited Weapons Permit – Instructor
In NSW, individuals who are accredited as an instructor by an approved sporting organisation can apply for a Prohibited Weapons Permit – Instructor.
The AJF is an approved sporting organisation recognised by the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) where coaches are accredited under the National Coach Accreditation Program.
The Prohibited Weapon Instructor Permit Genuine Reason Form Section 2, Evidence of Ranking and Accreditation as an Instructor, requires that you provide evidence of your ranking and accreditation. This must be in writing on letterhead from an approved sporting organisation for that sport.
The AJF can provide the Evidence Letter required in this section if:
1. You are a member of a Member School
2. You are at least Level 2 NCAP Accredited
3. You complete this application for an Evidence Letter, including providing details of your past training and experience in the Prohibited Weapon(s) for which you are applying for a permit; if you are not the Head of School, we will also need confirmation from your HoS that you are being trained in these weapons
4. You are seeking a permit for a traditional martial arts weapon; we will not support applications for weapons on Schedule 1 that are not traditional martial arts weapons
5. Based on your application, the AJF Board considers that you are a fit and proper person to hold a permit
6. You pay the prescribed fee (currently $50)
If you are not a member of a member school and/or not NCAP Level 2 or higher, still complete this form but please visit our membership page to learn all the benefits of membership and then complete our School Membership application. You can learn all about our Coach Accreditation here.
You must provide true information with your application. We might refuse your application if you:
- do not satisfy us as to your identity and details of your background and qualifications/ranking; or,
- provide bogus documents or information that is false or misleading in relation to your application.
If you wish to proceed, please complete and submit the application form on this page.
Should you have any questions please contact us with Prohibited Weapons as the Topic.