School Registration Help

To ensure our Member Schools are legal entities and conduct themselves in a professional manner and so ensure their students are treated in a fair and consistent manner, we ask that you provide the following information/documents.

The Federation is seeking to ensure that our members are legitimate organisations run by legitimate instructors, with particular emphasis on the Head of School. This then ensures that when a School says they are a member, it actually means something.

 Constitution or ASIC Register

For Schools that are Incorporated Associations or similar, we require your Constitution (called Rules in some jurisdictions). If you are a company, sole trader or similar then we require the PDF of the Company Summary from ASIC. This is obtained from the ASIC web site. Select Search within Organisations & Business Names and enter your ABN/ACN/ARBN/Sole Trader Name into the For: box.

Click Go and when it displays the summary, select View Summary (PDF).

Download that PDF and upload it into the form as indicated. 

If you are an affiliate of a larger organisation, you can upload their constitution or equivalent.

If none of these apply to you, then please tell us how your school operates.


Your syllabus/curriculum needs to contain the requirements for each belt or progression. This includes fundamentals, stances, strikes & blocks (if appropriate), throws, techniques and any other component required for that belt/progression. We only require the syllabus up to shodan (or equivalent in your school).

We do not need a detailed description of the techniques required but just a list of each of the components that must be performed for each level and whether the lists are cumulative and that all must be performed at each grading or may be performed on separate occasions with each progressive grading

Rules of Grading

Your Rules of Grading, which may be integrated into the syllabus/curriculum, need to cover:

  • Grading Authority (usually the Head of School but may also be Honbu or equivalent in your School)
  • Requirement that the candidate is to be NCAP Level 2 accredited for Shodan and above with Level 1 recommended for senior kyu grades or equivalent
  • The grading will be conducted under the assessment criteria set down in the School Syllabus/Curriculum
  • Requirements of junior versus senior grading (if appropriate to your school)
  • Designation of junior grades (if appropriate to your school)
  • Conversion from Junior to Senior Grades (if appropriate to your school)
  • Grading panel
    • General practice is that members can grade up to one level below their own grade
    • Requirement for the Grading Panel members to be NCAP accredited
    • Should comprise of at least 3 members of a rank or grade appropriate to the candidate(s)
    • The approval of a successful grading and awarding of the rank promotion will require the support of each of the members of the Panel
  • Regrading requirements such as minimum time between attempts
  • Minimum time between gradings
  • Other grading requirements or pre-requisites, such as being active in the administration of the School, coaching/instructing junior members and to generally assist in the promotion of the School