

Membership Categories

The AJF has two main categories of Membership:

•  School Membership - Member Schools represent the functional membership of the Federation with each financial School having one vote at the AGM.

•  Individual Memberships - are also available for those who wish to join: at no additional charge, all Accredited coaches are automatically individual members for the duration of their accreditation and any member of a member school may join if they choose. Individual members do not have any voting rights.

If you wish your School or Club to become a member of the AJF please visit the School Registration Page. On completion of the Application form, you will be a Provisional Member. After successful review by the board, you will then be awarded full membership.

If you are an individual wanting to become a member, then please visit our Individual Registration Page.

Benefits of joining the Australian Jujitsu Federation

The Australian Jujitsu Federation (AJF) is actually a federation of member schools (organisations) that include aikido, aiki jujitsu, jiu-jitsu ne-waza (BJJ), hapkido, and kenpo jujitsu, and the benefits of membership may differ from one school to another depending on what the school is seeking. For example:

1. Schools may join to be part of the only government-recognised body in Australia representing jujitsu and related martial arts.

2. Providing accreditation for both coaches and officials through a National Coaching and Officiating Accreditation Program (NCAP and NOAP) recognised by Sport Australia and only attainable for coaches/officials in jujitsu and related martial arts, through the AJF.

3. Your members, particularly younger members and parents, will have the confidence your school and instructors/coaches are compliant with the policies of Sport Integrity Australia.

4. Member Services providing support or endorsement for events and applications (eg 408 Visas)

5. Benefits of networking with other member schools, and the potential for opportunities to train with other members and learn new techniques and skills.

6. If requested, assistance with Dan gradings while schools retain their own grading authority.

7. Potential access to international competition with a pathway to the World Games for schools with an interest in competition. More details under the TAB Competition.

8. The AJF has a National Insurance Plan in which member schools may choose to participate, a most important consideration for all schools and coaches.

9. Recognition that membership compliance can be a significant part of their risk management strategy both in taking all reasonable steps to protect against the possibility of litigation and as argument in the event of litigation.

10. Desire to be perceived within the community as a responsible citizen, acknowledging their 'duty of care'

11. Being able to use the AJF logo (after obtaining written permission)

12. Schools, as part of their marketing, may see benefits in displaying a certificate of membership within their dojo, that includes the Australian Sports Commission Logo.

13. The benefit of having access to AJF documentation and codes of conduct recognised by Sport Australia and/or Sport Integrity Australia.

14. Support potentially available for the development of their own school

15. In determining AJF direction, each member school is equal, having 1 vote regardless of student numbers.

16. The AJF also provides for specific interest groups to form a council. Including: Australian Jiu-jitsu Ne-waza (BJJ) Council; Australian Sport Jujitsu Council; Australian Koryu Jujutsu Council; Australian Aikido Council; Australian Hapkido Council; and Australian Kenpo Jujitsu Council.

17. Dojo location(s) and contact details for each member are promoted on the AJF website.

18. Access to the Members Library includes access to Technical Papers and much more.

19. School membership fees are modest with one annual subscription.

20. The AJF is an incorporated association and registered with ASIC; directors and representatives are honorary positions.


Please note: the AJF may on request, provide grading assistance to members. However, the AJF will not give away Dan gradings to entice membership. Member schools need to have or to put in place a credible grading system.